Celebrate American Cheese Month!
Whether you’re a cheese lover, cheesemaker, or anything in between, you can get involved to help us spread the love for American artisan cheese.
This American Cheese Month and all year, we’re asking you for help in boosting American cheese sales by promoting artisan cheese to the public. Our cheese community needs us now more than ever. Let’s get as much cheese into consumers hands as possible!
There are a few easy steps you can take to help in this effort:
Use the graphics, social media copy, and materials we’ve created for you to help inform consumers online and in-store about buying cheese.
Follow the American Cheese Education (ACE) Foundation on Facebook and Instagram for easy, shareable content to repost.
Let us know what you’re doing for American Cheese Month. We’ll share your posts as much as possible!
What is American Cheese Month?
In 2019, The American Cheese Education Foundation (ACEF) Board of Directors voted to move American Cheese Month from October to May to better support the needs of cheesemakers and retailers.
American Cheese Month is a grassroots celebration of North America’s delicious and diverse cheeses, and the farmers, cheesemakers, retailers, cheesemongers, and chefs who bring them to your table. Each American Cheese Month, we aim to:
Recognize and raise awareness of the quality and diversity of American cheeses
Support and promote great cheese, local foods, family farms, traditional methods, and sustainable production models
Generate funding for the nonprofit the ACE Foundation
Want to Pledge Your Support for American Cheese Month? Or planning an event around American Cheese Month?
The businesses listed above have pledged their support to the American Cheese Education Foundation - furthering the education and research needed to help advance our cheese community and industry. These business have agreed to support the ACE Foundation’s endeavors with a flat donation (suggested min $250) or a portion of their profits from their American Cheese Month events.
American Cheese Month events are planned and led by anyone who loves great cheese, from cheese professionals to cheese enthusiasts. Promotions and events take place around the country, and sometimes internationally. While ACEF does not organize individual events, we celebrate and promote them on our website. We encourage you to get creative!
If you hold an event, please consider donating a portion of proceeds to ACEF. Your donation helps to support critical industry research, education, and scholarships.
Fill in the below to pledge your support and list an event on our calendar :
American Cheese Month Proclamation
Has a proclamation celebrating cheese been issued in your city, state, territory, or province? We’d love to know! Contact us with a copy to share via social media in May.