Scholarships and Funds
The ACE Foundation currently funds scholarships to cheese industry individuals looking to further their careers and businesses.
Support from our generous donors help make this possible.
A tremendous thank you to Vermont Creamery who is a core sponsor of our scholarship program!
For the 2022 American Cheese Society Virtual Conference, ACEF will be granting multiple general scholarships as well as the Peterson Company Scholarship for BIPOC Advancement. Unlike years past, when there have been separate scholarships for cheese makers, retailers, students, chefs, there is now just one application for anyone interested in receiving a scholarship, regardless of industry title.
Applicants will be asked about your job in the cheese industry, to provide either a resume or a description of your last 3 jobs, and answers to two short questions on how attending the conference might help with your career development and what session you are most looking forward to attending.
Apply now! Looking forward to seeing you at Conference!
The Comté Association Conference Fund
The Comté Association Conference Fund is open to all applicants who have been accepted for the current year's Certified Cheese Professional® (CCP) exam and seek to attend the American Cheese Society's annual conference. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Funds will be used to cover the cost of one full conference registration per recipient.
The Peterson Company Scholarship for BIPOC Advancement
This annual scholarship funds a one year membership in the American Cheese Society (ACS), attendance of the ACS conference - including registration fees, hotel, and travel - for a Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color who is taking the Certified Cheese Professional® (CCP™) Exam.
The Peterson Company also separately covers the cost of taking the CCP™ exam.